Teen Dating Bill of Rights

Relationships are fun. They also require effort from both people. It’s important to feel respected, safe, and heard. Having a healthy relationship means giving each other the space and freedom to live your individual lives.

I have the right:

• to be in a healthy relationship, based on honesty, trust, and communication not control, manipulation, or jealousy.

• not to be abused – physically, emotionally, or sexually. I deserve to feel safe in my relationship at all times and know that being abused is never my fault.

• to be treated with respect as an equal partner in my relationship.

• to say no and be heard. In a healthy relationship, my partner will not pressure me to go further than I want to go.

• to express my own opinions.

• to private time and my own space.

• to have friends of my own. Spending time with my male and female friends, and with family is normal and healthy.

• to hear about my strengths and assets.

• to ask others for help if I need it.

• to live a violence-free life that is free of threats.

• to change my mind.

• to accept a gift without having to give anything in return.

• to pursue my own special interests – and not be criticized for pursuing them.

• to have my needs considered as much as my partner’s.

• to end a relationship without being harassed, threatened or made to feel guilty.

Is Your Relationship Healthy? Take the Quiz!

safe dates matter
Safe Dates Matter is a program sponsored by Safe Journey
PO Box 208 | Union City, PA 16438
(814) 438-2675 | info@safedatesmatter.org


This project was supported by Grant No. 2017-CY-AX-0004 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/ program/ exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.